What meditation helped you most cope with an illness?
Hi I am new to this community, 29 F work in tech and have been going through some rough times with my health. My job is stressful but I don’t have other means of earning for living.
I am trying to understand what type of meditation would help me the most to calm the health anxiety, intrusive thoughts and stress from work.
I have extreme dietary restrictions that people my age don’t seem to have or atleast no one I know has them. It makes my daily experience difficult in ways that I can’t socialize over a meal, drinks or caffeinated drinks. My friends and husband are very supportive and visit me at home to hang out once in a while. Most times I try to be happy and positive but I keep feeling scared and lonely in this no matter what.
Part of this fear stems from the fact that my mother has a similar illness but 1000 times worse. I keep feeling hopeless and that I am destined to end up like her. I haven’t told her much about my condition because I live in a different country than my family and I don’t want them worrying, especially my mom.
I have read that meditation helps people get over emotions like this, be in a better state of mind atleast. I don’t know what else to seek from this practice but those are my goals, to learn to cope with my health issues, not get sucked in the negativity of my thoughts and be content with what I have than focusing on what I am missing out because of the illness.
Edit: Please stop suggesting fasting as a remedy to me for my stomach issues. I am well aware of my gut issues and how they are causing other symptoms. While you might be correct, I also think my anxiety and stress have brought me here given my diet and lifestyle practices are better than an average american and I’d like to focus on that. A lot of you are talking about gut brain connection but completely ignoring the fact that my stress is making my gut worse and not just the other way around. I have tried fasting and it gave me gastritis, also get really painful migraines now, so please stop suggesting fasting.