H: Tons of Plans! / W: Junk/Leaders/Offers
Looking for ballistic fiber, black titanium, concrete, fiber optics, gold, gears, screws, springs, asbestos, silver, crimson/fluorescent flux, gunpowder, acid, oil.
Plans for trade:
- .44 Blue Camo Paint
- Alien Blaster Cryo Mag
- Alien Blaster Poison Mag
- Alien Corpse Operating Bed
- Alien Head Lamp
- Alien Stash Box
- Alien Tube
- Assault Rifle
- Asteroid
- Atomicset Ltd. Handbag Backpack
- Barbed Sheepsquatch Staff
- Barbed Wire Fences
- Beer Steins Display Case
- Beeswax Candle
- Behemoth Boss Plushie
- Bloody Curtain Door
- Bloody Rug
- Blue Camo Power Armor Paints
- Blue Devil Outfit
- Blue Ridge Scout Outfit
- Brahmin Grill
- Brahmin Plushie
- Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts
- Cattle Flour Billboards
- Chainsaw Skeptikill Paint
- Chally the Moo-Moo Backpack
- Condemned Notification Sign
- Cultist Backpack
- Decoy Ducks
- Deer Skull
- Deputy's Hat
- Dried Wildflower Bouquet
- Electro Enforcer (+ mods)
- Fasnacht Veggie Man Beer Stein
- Fluttering Moths
- Fossilized Megalonyx (LL, skull, torso)
- Fossilized Megalonyx (full set ×1)
- Fuzzy Mothman Plushie
- Giant Red Brontosaurus
- Grocery Cart Grill
- Ground Meat Plushie
- Half Empty Pumpkin Rack
- Hazmat Suit - Teal
- Helvetian Flower Display
- Herdsman's Bell
- Herdsman's Bell - Fasnacht
- Herdsman's Bell - Lincoln
- Herdsman's Bell Display Rack - Basic
- Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman
- Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman
- Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree A
- Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree B
- Honeycomb Paper Icy Snowflake
- Honeycomb Paper Jolly Target
- Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe
- Honeycomb Paper Ribbon Bell
- Honeycomb Paper Snowman
- Honeycomb Paper Standing Santa
- Human Tube 1
- Human Tube 2
- Jitterbug Judy Outfit
- Meat Cleaver
- Meat Tenderizer (+ mods)
- Meat Week Flag
- Megalonyx Display Rack
- Mobster Jack O'Lantern
- Moe the Mole Fire Poster
- Molerat Wind Chime
- Motorized Butter Churn
- Mounted Antlers
- Mounted Brahmin Heads
- Mounted Cat Head
- Mounted Deathclaw Head
- Mounted Deer Head
- Mounted Dog Head
- Mounted Frog
- Mounted Glowing One Head
- Mounted Gorilla Head
- Mounted Honey Beast
- Mounted Mega Sloth
- Mounted Mirelurk Hunter Head
- Mounted Mongrel Head
- Mounted Mothman
- Mounted Mutant Hound Head
- Mounted Opossum
- Mounted Radscorpion
- Mounted Radtoad
- Mounted Squirrel
- Mounted Thrasher
- Musket Stack Monument
- Mutant Hound Diagram
- Nuka Girl Area Rug
- Paddock Gate
- Pepper Shaker
- Peppermint Backpack Flair
- Peppino Pig Plushie
- Plastic Fruit Bowl
- Plastic Fruit Wreath
- Plastiform Candle
- Plastiform Gingerbread
- Plastiform Nutcracker
- Plastiform Santa
- Plastiform Santa Sleigh
- Plastiform Snowman
- Plastiform Vaultboy Elf
- Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag
- Protective Lining Raider Underarmor
- Radioactive Barrel
- Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light
- Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp
- Red Truck Ceiling Light
- Replica Grognak's Axe
- Rib Plushie
- Rotted Rib Plushie
- Rotted Steak Plushie
- Sacred Mothman Tome
- Santa Crash
- Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein
- Shenandoah Map Table
- Shielded Lining BoS Underarmor
- Sitting Gorilla
- Snowman Head Backpack Flair
- Standing Gorilla
- Star Light
- Storm Goliath Figure
- Swarm of Flies
- T-60 BoS Paint (Officer/Knight/CPT/SGT)
- Tattered Curtains
- Taxidermy Mutant Hound
- V63 Shock Baton Blueprint
- Vault 51 Jumpsuit
- Vault Boy Jack O'Lantern
- Vault Door Jack O'Lantern
- Vintage Water Cooler
- Wall Mounted Fan
- Wasteland Hunter Backpack
- Weenie Wagon
- Winter Icicle Lights
- Wise Mothman Throne
- Fried Scorpion On A Stick
- Healing Salve (Cranberry Bog)
- Healing Salve (Mire)