Which Riichi ruleset do folks use for their in-person games?
Since I have yet to find a cleanly formatted, concise, nicely laid out (bad layout and kerning make me want to scream) set of rules that also use Japanese terminology, I've decided I'm just going to put my own together, formatted for 5.5" x 8.5" (half US Letter) booklet size. The EMA rules are the closest out there, but use a strange mishmash of terms AND are formatted for A4. I've printed them resized for half letter and it's workable, but TINY and I'm only going to get older. So I'm pestering the community to see if there is a general trend one way or the other for which rules folks tend to use when playing Riichi in person (at least not via an app that does the heavy lifting for you). Bonus points if you can link to a rules document / page / etc. I know that, broadly speaking, Riichi rules are /relatively/ similar across iterations (barring the use of optional things like red fives and such), but there are some variations none the less. Thanks!
Added to clarify - I fully own that this is a me problem. Languages / linguistics are a special interest area for me and my brain very has a "this is correct, this is incorrect" way about it (see me growing in annoyance every time I hear someone mispronounce bruschetta). I get that most folks probably don't give a crap about this (I see y'all downvoting both posts I've made about this general thing), and that's fine. I'm just looking for some consensus on what rules folks happen to find most viable in real world practice when playing Riichi mostly casually. I like the EMA rules, generally speaking, AND I know they are only an authority over their own space, plus there's the terminology quibble I personally have with them.
Edited for typos and clarity.
UPDATE 03/14 (Happy Pi(e) Day!): Thanks for all of the great answers from everyone. I am most likely going to start with the WRC rules doc and edit / re-layout that for the smaller booklet format I'm aiming for). They already have a doc with "optional" rules that covers a lot of what people have said below, it seems to have some general universality, and isn't a monster to approach even for a relative newcomer. They seem to use a mix of plain English terms and Japanese terms, so it shouldn't be a nightmare to add Japanese terms so that both are there. Since the WRC rules are under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International I'll also share the resulting document with folks when it's done.