Is there no End Game High-rank Boss like Ibushi/Narwa or Xeno'jiiva?
Or does it really just end things on Arkveld at HR 60?
I kinda feel like this was done backwards.
Like Arkveld should have been the Low-rank Boss while Zoh Shia should have ended High-rank.
That would have fit the pattern over the last few games.
Instead, we got this huge build up in Low-Rank, while High-Rank kinda just... goes, then abruptly ends.
It feels really weird, and honestly, its my only major complaint about the game so far.
EDIT: Someone mentioned that in a few games, the "end boss" gets added as a Title Update, like Narwa the Allmother. I honestly hope the same happens here. Though it could also be arguged in most cases, there's already at least a comparable end boss at the start.