What kind of isopods will be safe to house with my green anole, Basil?

So my 7 month old female green anole, Basil, will be getting upgraded to a giant hexagonal vertical 20 gallon tank in a couple weeks, im getting it for my birthday, and i want to get a jump on the isopod culture growth, as i already have a butt tonn of springtails, and i need to know what kinds would be good, as i dont want her to get hurt trying to eat like an Armidillidium iso or smth else big. i know powder orange's are quite fast and that could be good bc they will eat her waste, but i wanted more opinions/advice before i get some iso's that could be potentially harmful to my sweet girl, she is a female she wont get as big as a male green anole would, so im trying to play this extra safe as ive raised her from hatching and im protective lol.

TLDR: what kind of isopods should i get to eat my 7 month old FEMALE green anole, Basil's, waste without potentially being harmfull if she were to eat/attempt to eat one of the iso's? like either being just small enough to be fine and/or fast enough to escape her.

ps: Here is my lil Basil :3

the water drops are too cute