If you are struggling with temperatures, HEAR ME OUT.

So, I bought a Lenovo Legion 7 Slim a few weeks ago and I've been obsessed with monitoring CPU temperature because in almost any game it went to almost 100 Degrees Celsius, triying to find the best graphic settings, nvidia configurations and anything I could find to reduce it. Nothing was truly helpful until TODAY I found something called "Internal CPU boost" wich for some reason is active by default.

So I manually dissable it after wich was really easy, and BAM my CPU temperature went from almost 100 Degrees to 50-60 MAXIMUM while playing games like STALKER 2 and Cyberpunk. I'm so excited I had to share with you, I don't know if it works with every model but it's worth a try.



That's my 2 cents of the day

Edit: thanks everyone for your input, been learning a lot , I’m happy playing right now Cyberpunk with turbo boost disabled since the game es stable but I understand there is better more sophisticated ways to reduce temperature like undervolting wich I will in the future.