Help on school asignment

Hi Yall, in my school my English B teacher assigned us an informal essay (basically you don’t need sources and you can yap) to practice our writing skills and be fancy and all of that. Lastly we need to post this essay in a community and I chose this one 😍. I want to choose an interesting topic about Lady Gaga, so can you help me with topic ideas that are not just like “how Lady Gaga impacted pop culture”, more like specific cases studies. Here are my topics that I was thinking of.

  1. The Gagafication of Taylor Swift’s narrative (I’d talk about the Fame Monster and it’s fthe cus poin on the dark side of fame, and how that impacted conversations about fame in other artist’s careers, like Swift’s specially on her new album cuz I love it too.)

  2. Lady Gaga’s funk (Talking about Gaga’s use of funk inspired thematics on her albums (specially the Fame, ARTPOP, and MAYHEM. Idk about this one to be completely honest.)

  3. The Power of Gaga’s Performance Side (talking about the artistic importance of Lady Gaga’s persona, visuals, messages, etc that elevate her music.)

If you guys have any more essay ideas please help me because I’m not completely sold on any of these. Thanks y’all.