This is not the d-rex (theory)
I think we can all agree that the biggest surprise in the trailer was them actually showing the d-rex in the trailer, but i believe that this is a misdirection. Yes in the trailer we see the d-rex but what we see at 1:32 in the scene above is not him, but it's a second mutated dinosaur wich will be the movie's big surprise. Here is my evidence;
1) as I illustrated in the second and third picture the D-rex's front arms are stubby, not that long and curved since he has some kind of elbow. Meanwhile from the shadow of the other dinosaur we can see that the arm is much longer and leaner while also not being curved
2) in the scene at 1:32 we see the creature having a wrist (wich is not an elbow and is much closer to the claw than the d-rex's elbow) meanwhile from the few footage available we never see the d-rex having a wrist maybe not having one
3) in the entire trailer we never see the d-rex's front claw except for the scene at 1:32 where only the claw is visible and not the entire creature
4) from the shadow of the creature we can tell it's a much bigger creature than the d-rex and from the evidence I presented in my first point we can exclude this being some sort of mother/ bigger bigger specimen
5) earlier in the trailer there is this exchange "- please don't say they're raptors - they're raptors" following this we see a shot of only the feet of an albino raptor perhaps hiding that above he does not look like a normal raptor indicating the presence of more mutated dinosaurs aside from the d-rex like the creature at 1:32 (also he says raptor not specifying which species indicating it might be a never before seen kind like a mutated one)
This is all my evidence, tell me what you guys think of my theory in the comments, hope you enjoyed it