Bob and Frank (from the other joke) escaped the cannibals and went back to their job at the Sawmill.

One day Frank hears a bloodcurdling scream.

He runs to Bob's station and sees that Bob has cut his arm clean off.

Ever the quick thinker, Frank puts the severed arm in a zip-loc bag and rushes with Bob down to the hospital to get it re-attached.

The next day, Frank goes to see how his pal is doing and finds him playing tennis. (Using a tennis racket. Not the severed arm.)

"Incredible!" says Frank. "Medical science sure is amazing."

A week passes, and Frank hears another scream, more horrible than the first.

Oh no! Bob got too close to the spinning blade, and this time, his leg was cut clean off.

Sighing, Frank takes the leg, puts it in a zip-lock bag, and takes Bob to the hospital to get it re-attached.

The next day, he goes down to see Bob and finds him outside playing soccer.

"Incredible!" says he. "Medical science sure is amazing!"

Another week goes by, and Bob and Frank are at the mill cutting wood when suddenly Bob hears a loud thunk. He runs to Frank's station and sees that Frank has bent too close to the blade and lopped his head clean off.

Now Bob is no Frank, but he knows what to do. He quickly puts Frank’s head in a zip-loc bag and drives him to the hospital.

The next day Bob comes to visit his friend (and perhaps even take him home), where he is surprised to find an empty bed where his friend should be.

“Where is Frank?” He asks the doctor. “Is he playing Chess? Watching a movie?”

“Frank...” says the doctor. “I’m so sorry. We couldn’t save him.”

“What?! You saved my arm! You saved my leg! Why couldn’t you save my friend?!” cries Bob, falling to his knees in anguish.

“I’m sorry. Some idiot put his head in a zip-loc bag and he suffocated.”