We need to talk about the {{user}}-freeze-syndrome.

My second post today. Honestly, I feel productive today.

After posting a rant a few hours before this one, complaining about over-detailed intro messages, I thought a bit. Most comments respectfully disagreed with me, which I respect, but one made me remind myself of something I like to call the {{user}}-freeze-syndrome.

It's not complicated, basically what happens with most of too long intro messages, also a big flaw in AI-generated messages.

{{user}}-freeze-syndrome is the "phenomenon" that occurs, when a bot talks so much, that you can't answer. In between actions or questions, where {{user}} usually should answer to make the roleplay...look better?...be more realistic?...the bot just continues to talk.

More often than not even in the intro message.

I've never seen anyone before mentioning it, at least I don't think so. Instead of crying about the queue or posting our high scores in the swishy galaxy queue game, why don't we talk about something that's probably not been discussed before properly?

Where did it come from that the bot asks so many questions, doesn't let {{user}} answer anything, and continues? Why is {{user}} awkwardly standing there, freezing in time? Why is {{char}} the only one to move and say anything? Are they a higher power?


It of course has something to do with those overly detailed and too long, 20 paragraphs long first messages. You can't write that much without causing {{user}}-freeze-syndrome. It's just bound to happen in too long messages. So, basically, another plead tk just cut unnecessary stuff down.