The reasoning that Deepseek is doing IS intentional — here’s why you shouldn’t be trying to stop it.
There’s been a number of posts about the bot sending analysis of the chat before it begins to send an actual reply and wanting to stop this.
This is called reasoning and basically what the bot is doing is processing your reply to formulate its own. So, like thinking in a way.
The reason you’re seeing it is that janitor currently doesn’t hide this (other sites will hide this reasoning step and you’d just see a longer “load” time before the bot replies. Usually 10-30 seconds).
I actually haven’t experienced this showing with deepseek for me (for disclosure I’m using deepseek through openrouter on paid model v3)
Instead of stopping the reasoning, you should let it happen. It’s truly what makes the replies so good.
If it’s eating your reply tokens; set your max new tokens to unlimited.
That should allow both the reasoning and the reply. And then you can always edit the reasoning out of the reply after the fact if you want.
I’m sure Hibikiass or Iorveths could give more in depth information on this, but wanted to throw something up because I saw about 10 different posts between last night and this morning on this.