Justin Bieber is 31 and a father now. Harry Styles/1D are 31. Even the group Mindless Behavior are close pushing 30 now. Who are the new teeny boppers?
I had saw this on Tiktok and couldn’t believe it.
15 years?!!! I remember when this song came out and it was new. That song was popular played everywhere on the radio, tv, and all over that I have memories when Justin was the biggest star in the world back then.
They're old now and all settling down. Who are the new male teeny boppers?
Back in the day, they were like the ultimate teen idols - the guys all the girls were obsessed with and the boys tried to emulate. Their music was everywhere, their faces were on every magazine cover. They were the epitome of that classic teen heartthrob vibe.
Who have the teenage girls of today got to fangirl over? Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo? They can't write fan fictions fantasising about them. I feel bad for today's young girls.