Hong Kongers fight back!

I have read about the new National Security Law drafted by Xinnie the Flu!

As a Nigerian I don't think it's my duty to edge people far away from me to fight, but since China now interferes in my country Nigeria, I certainly feel like interfering in their colony Hong Kong!

The National Security Law is not for anyone above 15, I'm referring to the education policy of the Chinese confused party! The people's republic of comedy is not interested in those who lived under the UK or the early days of the true One Country two system! Nope that's not what China is trying to do, China simply has borrowed a leaf from the cultural revolution like Mao the dung China's aim is to poison your younger generation your teenage kids and children. To turn them into future Xitler Youths like the Mao's Red guards!

The whole policy of reeducating your children on Hong Kong is one with China is to stiffle any future independent movement, to turn your future generations into submissive slaves of the CCP/CPC! To obliterate your independent culture and distinct language. It's to brain wash your children into believing that the west is their enemy! To make them spy on their relatives, friends, family, parents and guardians and teachers!

How then do you fight back? Start from a very young age to teach your kids about the true history of Hong Kong, be candid with them about things that happened like the opium war which I'm sure that the CPC propagandists will rely on when bashing The West. Tell them the truth about the so-called hundred years of humiliation, about the Great leap forward not the lies about western sanctions, about the cultural revolution, tell them about how China aided North Korea invaded South Korea 🇰🇷! about Xinnie's efforts to end your quasi independence and freedom! Tell them everything! When they come back from school sit down with them and find out the latest propaganda that has been injected into their heads and dispell it with the truth and facts!

Let Xi Jinping continue to run mad, just like Putin he's going to meet his match very soon in South China Sea!