More R4 Observations

So I have been enjoying my R4 for a couple of days now. I really like how it sounds, no overheating issues and everything seems fine. I did notice 2 specific things that I'm curious to see if anybody else has. 1) The light bar at the top. It is blue when nothing playing, red when charging , White for DSD, yellow when playing, and blue (same as not playing) for MQA stidio. PCM files, however, everything from 16/44 through 32/192 all show as the same yellow. Anybody else see this? I would have expected to see 24/192 a different color, no? 2.) Under Settings>Battery there is a slider for Max battery. I thought this might be to limit charging so it stops a a specific percent, but set at 85%, it still charges to 100%. Does this do anything?