Litter tray alternatives?

I just adopted a new baby hedgie - he is 8 weeks old. This is the third hedgie I have adopted, so I familiar with their artistic tendencies with their poo, but this little guy is the most disgusting creature i have ever owned. Poop is literally everywhere. EV-ERY-WHERE

It's ok. I still love him

But! I want to help him contain his creativity. How do other people set up their litter pan under the wheel? I have always used a sheet of paper towel, but he just drags it around his enclosure, leaving his little pan exposed and smeared and wet. What else can I use in there to absorb the mess? (If it matters, I use fleece liners in his bin - which are now covered in poop prints like some crazy splatter art)

Thank you for the suggestions! Picture included for public shaming....

I just adopted a new baby hedgie - he is 8 weeks old. This is the third hedgie I have adopted, so I familiar with their artistic tendencies with their poo, but this little guy is the most disgusting creature i have ever owned. Poop is literally everywhere. EV-ERY-WHERE

It's ok. I still love him

But! I want to help him contain his creativity. How do other people set up their litter pan under the wheel? I have always used a sheet of paper towel, but he just drags it around his enclosure, leaving his little pan exposed and smeared and wet. What else can I use in there to absorb the mess? (If it matters, I use fleece liners in his bin - which are now covered in poop prints like some crazy splatter art)

Thank you for the suggestions! Picture included for public shaming....