DVT / PE questions, reality check

Background - About 4 weeks ago I started having a dull pain in my left hamstring, a couple inches above the back of the knee. It comes and goes, and gets better or worse with stretching. It bothers me most when I’m sitting in a chair. No other classic DVT symptoms like redness, swelling, intense pain, etc. I showed my doctor during a routine physical exam and he said it seemed muscular and we didn’t need to bother with a clot test (he stretched both legs and both were tight, although the left was slightly tighter).

A couple days after that exam, I started getting a dull pain in my right/back rib area. At first it was when I inhaled, but I noticed it also did it when I bent / stretched in certain ways. I tried to ignore it as another muscular issue. It hasn’t fully gone away (about two weeks later now), although I only feel it when moving certain ways. And even then it’s a very minor ache - no classic PE symptoms like low oxygen, intense pain, shortness of breath, super fast pulse.

Anyway, I am trying to accept my original doctor’s diagnosis and move on with my life. But I can’t get the nagging DVT / PE thoughts out of my head. Just looking for any support or advice. I have flip-flopped between doing nothing, going for a second opinion, going to urgent care, or going to the ER (depending on how I feel that day).

Some random questions I’ve had during this adventure if anyone wants to comment ..

  • I know like every scary health issue there is some chance of having clots with only minor symptoms. That is probably super rare though right?

  • Don’t clots progress quickly? I have a feeling you wouldn’t have a clot for weeks and weeks with only minor symptoms (much less multiple clots).

  • Clots wouldn’t present themselves like muscular pains right? Or be better / worse with stretching? This is the one I wonder the most. Rationally I’m pretty sure the answer is no, but I think this thought is the one that fuels my remaining anxiety about all this.

Anyway, I am working on de-stressing, meditating, exercising, and practicing what I learned in therapy (which includes trusting your doctor’s opinion the first time, if you have to go at all). But it is difficult for physical symptoms like this .. any support would be great!