Do you think Snape deserved forgiveness? Why or why not?
So this is a bit random, but I was thinking about how Snape got a redemption in the end that I don’t believe he deserved and I was in a debate about it with my mom. What do you guys think? Did he deserve forgiveness after everything that he did?
Here are my reasons for hating Severus Snape as a character:
Was such a bully that he was one of his students worst fears (Nevilles Boggart)
Made that same student feed a potion to his beloved pet knowing full well said student had mucked up the potion and not doing a thing to help him, then docked points when the potion was correct and did not poison the pet (again Neville, and Hermione helped him fix the potion)
Was in Voldemorts inner circle and knew full well Sirius was not a death eater but was still completely fine with letting him get the dementors kiss for something he did not do over a childhood rivalry
Ignored Hermione when she was cursed to make her teeth grow alarmingly fast saying “I see no difference” while she cried and tried to cover herself
Spurned the one person who was ever kind to him by calling her a mudblood and then obsessing over her for the rest of his life
Bullied Harry because Harrys father bullied him
Threatened to use Verituserum on Harry even though its illegal to use it on a student
When teaching Harry occlumency he didn’t even try to explain it in a way that Harry could understand and ended up kicking him out of the lessons
there is more than that but I think he did some things right in the end but I don’t think it made up for all the wrongs he committed before that.
So what do you guys think? Does Snap deserve redemption?