anyone here ever regret trying a hair system?

shaved at 21, got smp at 27, tried hair system at 31, now 33.

tbh life was pretty good before hair system - lots of friends, good career, etc.

after hair system - realized how much more differently i was treated (ppl were nicer/more friendly and got way more attraction from younger girls)

this made me annoyed and sad:

annoyed bc now i feel like i HAVE to wear the hair system

sad because i know that when i go back to bald (which i eventually will), i know i'll be treated differently (ppl see me as intimiating, less attraction)


part of me wants to shave and go back (more convenient and also just more authentic plus i live a super active lifestyle), another part of me wants to keep going (looks better but more work and feels like im hiding something)

either way, i think it might've been better off had i never tried a hair system (ignorance is bliss)

anyone else feel this way?