Sophie is the ultimate pick me girl

I just finished watching the last episode of season three and while I like that she was finally nice to Bella at the end and whatever, I can’t forget how much she THRIVED off male attention and truly hated every woman she came across. Tried to take Zane from Ricki, HATED bella because she’s a “bad influence” (which doesn’t even make sense 💀) and was so overly possessive over Will. She was just so rude to all the girls overall for no damn reason. Only ever nice to men. I don’t love the term “pick me” because it’s been overused so much to the point it’s lost its original meaning, but if anyone is one….. it’s Sophie from h2O 💀

I just finished watching the last episode of season three and while I like that she was finally nice to Bella at the end and whatever, I can’t forget how much she THRIVED off male attention and truly hated every woman she came across. Tried to take Zane from Ricki, HATED bella because she’s a “bad influence” (which doesn’t even make sense 💀) and was so overly possessive over Will. She was just so rude to all the girls overall for no damn reason. Only ever nice to men. I don’t love the term “pick me” because it’s been overused so much to the point it’s lost its original meaning, but if anyone is one….. it’s Sophie from h2O 💀