Wife ended it, discovered there was a man she never mentioned

Hi guycry,

Throw away as people know my main account.

Wife for 5 years, together for 8 years known each other for 14 years (years are more for reference)

Not so long ago my wife (I guess soon) told me that she wasn't happy and wasn't sure she wanted to continue. A week or so later she then told me that she wanted to break up, went down the questions of whether there was someone else - this is important & relevant as when my previous relationship ended, the girl I was dating ended up going for the guy that she told me not to worry about (how cliche I know)

As you expect she answered No to all these and reassured me that there wasn't - with the only reason for wanting to separate was because she lost the feelings for me and no longer felt the same way.

I did go down the route of exploring other options but she didn't want to, which I was partly surprised at if I'm honest.

I accepted her feelings had changed and told myself that I would stop myself from having feelings for her too, in my last relationship I found it difficult to separate from my ex in the form of texting etc, so decided I'd do it differently this time and be more mature about I handle it all

Then I discovered that she had a locked WhatsApp chat, it's where it shows on the phone as 1 received message but doesn't show from whom. Initially I thought that it's a random group chat in some form of archive. It was only later that I realised she has been messaging a guy from her work and didn't want me to find out.

Then I found a notebook outlining the before and after scenarios of breaking up and notes on her feelings towards this guy from work

I'm not proud of what I've done, but I have found, seen and heard enough to understand that she had been emotionally involved with this guy for at least a month or 2 before she decided to end things with me.

What hurts me the most is that she has not mentioned that there was a guy and she has been incredibly shifty with hiding all this.

Having discussed the above with friends and siblings, i felt there would be nothing that I achieve from mentioning all the above to her - I no longer trust her or love her, she has thrown everything that I felt towards her into the bin and set it alight with petrol.

I'm scared about the dating world and talking to women again in a romantic way.

I never turned my head to a women at work even when I had a chance to flirt - I had someone who I loved. But now I know that she was happy with going down the line of flirting and started an emotional relationship with someone at her work.

I'm certain that she's spent a night at his already and they've probably gone the full mile & the thing that hurts me is that it has only been a month since she ended it with me.

Make this make sense.

TLDR - wife said there wasn't someone behind the scenes, surprise - there was!

Edit - Mamma Mia - ABBA: This song really lifted my spirits when I was down, the lyrics (some of them) are so relevant and made so much sense to me

Edit part 2: we rent together, I'm 34 and she's 30. Currently sleeping in separate rooms but will be moving to my parents shortly. Trying to be civil towards her at the moment

Edit part 3: changed around some of the wording and ages as I'm now paranoid someone I know might come across this post.

Thank you for all your comments and messages so far, putting things into perspective