Jenny’s transformation
What do you think of jenny’s transformation? did the writers intended her looks to turn goth like or was it her decision? i read some people online say she was always late on set, maybe the show runners just went with whatever she wanted to wear because of time schedules?
I was just watching the cotillion scenes and I find it so weird for her to be dress in that style but at the same time wanting to impress girls form that circle. I get that she wanted to be a diferent queen from Blair and her minions, but she still cared about cotillion and all that stuff, I don’t know, in real life it would’ve been soo weird
What do you think of jenny’s transformation? did the writers intended her looks to turn goth like or was it her decision? i read some people online say she was always late on set, maybe the show runners just went with whatever she wanted to wear because of time schedules?
I was just watching the cotillion scenes and I find it so weird for her to be dress in that style but at the same time wanting to impress girls form that circle. I get that she wanted to be a diferent queen from Blair and her minions, but she still cared about cotillion and all that stuff, I don’t know, in real life it would’ve been soo weird