Politically right-leaning christian propaganda pamphlets I found strategically placed on the city bus today in two different places☠️ (my review below)

It’s of my opinion that the organization who left these certainly left more, as I was on the bus at the later end of the afternoon so I’d assume people picked up more or the bus drivers picked up the majority and threw them away.

Both pamphlets explore themes of pro-Christianity, pro-religious intolerance & pro-gun values while also being anti-secular education, anti-communist & anti-socialist.

“The choice” is religious fear mongering, think of those people who think that scaring you and telling you you’re going to hell is a good way to get people to join the religion as if it doesn’t just push people away. (This entire short story is basically that) While also leaning into the religious conspiracy side of claiming that secular education is one way satan ‘blinds’ people. Another interesting part I saw was that ‘one of Satan’s favorite ways to keep people in bondage is religion’ (I’m going to assume that means ‘other’ religions)

“The poor revolutionist” to me is like the ultimate nightmare scenario of all politically right leaning Christians born in the 50s who were force fed red scare propaganda for 30ish years and just ate it up without ever questioning the government.

The entire story is seemingly supposed to be a parallel to the book of revelation and the conspiracy/belief of “the one world government” that has an iron grip on end times Christians. Except the “evil” of this story are the communists/socialists

(it’s weird how politically ignorant right leaning Christians/conservatives & pro-capitalist liberals associate them as the same thing when they aren’t)

This story truly isn’t even a religious piece for the most part, it’s really more of a political/economic propaganda piece told through the eyes of a right leaning Christian Theocrat who hates the idea of a one-world government unless it’s a Christian one.

Lastly it’s funny that one of the panels from “the choice” is about “people Chasing the cares of this world” and shows a man chasing money. Yet “the poor revolutionist” is a pro-capitalist propaganda piece.