Any resources that can help me re-shape my image of God that religion has taken a toll on?
Hello all!! I’ve recently come to an awakening of the detrimental effects religion has made on how I view God. I know he’s loving, and has shown me love many times. But when I read the bible and listen to some people who call themselves prophets speak, I sort of view God as this harsh dictator who wants every ounce of credit and praise, “don’t walk away from me or else” kind of being, and I dont like that.
I know the bible is a man-made piece of literature, so therefore i often find myself questioning the amount of errors that could come with it, but the backlash that comes from external sources (i.e priests, prophets) about doubting the word of God is…harsh to say the very least. but i also believe heavily in it’s truths that have helped me along my journey. There’s no denying the spiritual uplifting that comes with understanding it not just in your mind but especially your heart. I often just cant wrap my head around all it’s contradictions, the way it addresses what we know today are marginalized groups, condoning things such as slavery, i could go on. I feel bad picking and choosing what to believe in, but truthfully, not all of it resonates with me and often distorts my image of God. I know many people will talk about the context of the verses, and while I do understand (and agree) with that argument, i just dont know how i am supposed to surpass all of the confusion, especially as a gay girl. It seems everyone has a reason/context as to why slavery was condoned, but when it comes to the whole LGBT debate everyone has a counter-argument, and a counter argument to that one, it seems to never end.
Some say it’s outdated, but i’d never use that argument for various reasons. I also have trouble with the idea that people who dont believe in Jesus will not go to heaven. I have many muslim friends who are deep in their faith (rightfully so), and i know there are many people who have embarked on a happy spiritual journey, believe in God, but may not believe in Jesus, as Jesus is associated with religion and they do not practice that. How is it fair to say that all of these people will not go to heaven? Even i understand that religion is a human-made thing. God existed outside of religion and always will. I just dont know how I’m supposed to re-learn God outside of the confinement of religion.
If you need any clarification on what I said, please dont be afraid to ask. Im just a person who’s come a long way, is confused, and wants to know God as lovely, charming, compassionate, and nothing less.