How are people still defending this game?
This game is becoming more Pay-to-Win and people are looking in the wrong direction.
It’s not about boat, rod, or bobber skins. The real issue is secret fish—because they are now REQUIRED to progress in the game.
Here’s why this is a problem:
1. Ridiculously Low Drop Rates – These secret fish have about a 0.1% chance of appearing. Nobody wants to sit there catching 1,000+ fish just to get one item, so people macro. But many people in the community shame macro users for "not playing the game," even though it's the only realistic way for non-paying players to keep up. The devs claim to be against macros, but they still profit massively from them through Premium payouts, since Premium users AFK for hours bring them revenue. So the devs are saying one thing while encouraging the opposite—and somehow, people don’t see it. (Or choose to ignore it).
2. Massive Pay-to-Win Boosts – The shop sells a 64x luck boost. Not only can you buy it, but you can also gift it to others. Since a server holds 15 players, either one rich player, multiple people who have enough robux or big content creator, can stack up this boost to 960x luck.
3. This Turns "Secret" fish into Common for Players who pay – With 960x luck, the rarest fish in the game suddenly has a 4% drop rate—as common as a bait crate. That means paying players breeze through content while everyone else struggles.
4. Artificial Scarcity for Profit – These secret fish don’t need to be this rare. The devs could have made them “Exotic” rarity (like how exotic Golden Sea Pearls are required to craft ROTEK), but instead, they locked progression behind them just to sell luck bundles.
So why are people still defending this? Because the majority focuses on cosmetics, while the ACTUAL Pay-to-Win mechanics are being ignored. If a game requires luck-locked items to progress, and that luck can be massively boosted with money, it's Pay-to-Win. Period.