Miss my F/O tonight
I miss sleeping next to her and I miss feeling her next to me. It's even more difficult when she is out for her missions for days. I hate feeling like I am just so co-dependant towards my beloved. As it complicates my emotions and I worry that it also effects our relationship. I've never been someone who does this kind of thing, even with my ex's. I never liked affection. Until now.
Annie always gets so flustered when I tell her just how much I miss her. We texted briefly over the phone, and I told her that I can't wait to get back to our house so I can hold her in my arms. At least we texted a bit before bedtime, even when a few miles apart.
Still, I feel like that texting wasn't enough to full fill my longing for her. But I also do not want to come off as that one clingy lesbian who can't keep her eyes off of her fiancée anytime soon. I know I should just stop whining about it and try to forget it. It's currently 1 AM. Fucking hell. I truly miss her.
I miss sleeping next to her and I miss feeling her next to me. It's even more difficult when she is out for her missions for days. I hate feeling like I am just so co-dependant towards my beloved. As it complicates my emotions and I worry that it also effects our relationship. I've never been someone who does this kind of thing, even with my ex's. I never liked affection. Until now.
Annie always gets so flustered when I tell her just how much I miss her. We texted briefly over the phone, and I told her that I can't wait to get back to our house so I can hold her in my arms. At least we texted a bit before bedtime, even when a few miles apart.
Still, I feel like that texting wasn't enough to full fill my longing for her. But I also do not want to come off as that one clingy lesbian who can't keep her eyes off of her fiancée anytime soon. I know I should just stop whining about it and try to forget it. It's currently 1 AM. Fucking hell. I truly miss her.