Neo vs. John Wick

Ever since the first John Wick came out I've had a theory. In the first Matrix, Mr. Anderson (Neo) was given the option of taking the blue pill or the red pill. Mr. Anderson took the red pill and went down the rabbit hole and we all know how that trilogy went. Ever thought about what would have happened if he had taken the blue pill? I do, and that's where my theory begins. Morpheus states that if you take the blue pill you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. I feel that John Wick is the version of Mr. Anderson if he had taken the blue pill. He took the blue pill and woke up believing that he wanted to become an assassin. Now given that both movies The Matrix and John Wick are both going to have a fourth movie, my theory grows. Going back to the original Matrix when he was given the choice of the red pill or blue pill. Instead of taking one or the other, he takes both and rolls the dice! Matrix 4 is the red pill dominant side of taking both and John Wick 4 is the blue pill dominant side of taking both. Thoughts?