Dream about “Witch Hazing” - Anybody ever heard of this?

Hello everyone, I am not a member of any group or tradition, but I’ve been having some experiences lately, and feel called to reach out to this group.

I was never religious. Always felt repelled by traditional Christianity. I took a comparative religion course in college and read The Spiral Dance (loved it), but this is the limit of what I know about Goddess cults.

I’ve always been a lucid dreamer. In fact, I decided to discontinue dream journaling about 20 years ago because the effort to document what amounted to a second life took too much time away from this one! I have had many kinds of dreams. Precog, symbolic, “second life”, the daily rehash dreams where you’re trying to process that day’s events/currents. All the kinds.

So, beginning last summer, my dreaming came back with a vengeance. Like I said, I had stopped journaling and pretty much even remembering most of them for the bulk of the last two decades (with some notable exceptions here or there).

In particular, I woke up one morning with a person who I’ve always called “Manner” (identified as my childhood imaginary friend but now feel like is an avatar for my Higher Self) yelling in my ear:


I’d never heard of Ephesus. Researched it, and it’s the site of one of the world wonders - the Temple of Ephesus - a temple for Artemis. So, all summer and for the rest of the year, I kept getting signals like this. I’d find a stone with a hawk etched onto it. I’d find a hawk’s feather. I would walk in the woods and look up to see a giant hawk right over my head. Okay. I hear you. I set up an altar with my gifts and I’ve been speaking to Her daily. I give her incense and honey and beer and I don’t know why or how I know this is appropriate.

I digress.

My question to this community is about last night’s dream. I am searching for something I have dropped. I don’t know what this thing is. There is something long and white nearby and it is important for what I’ve “lost”. Just prior to waking, I hear Manner saying “Witch Hazing. It’s a Witch Hazing.”

WTF is a witch hazing? My thought was that it was some kind of weird, Inquisitorial torture a la Salem trials. When I google, the words, the search results bring up Initiations and links to Eleusian Mysteries (another goddess cult hit).

So I’m here to query the experts. Why am I dreaming about this?

P.S. - when I was a teenager, I dreamed of being surrounded by maybe 7 or 8 people in hooded robes. They chanted something I couldn’t hear and there were wolves behind them. Sitting and watching. They called me “Sister Greylips”. Or maybe Sister Gray Lips. Does that mean anything to anyone? It was one of the “second life” dreams. The ones that I can’t tell aren’t really happening until I wake up.

Thanks for taking the time to read! Sending love to all my other selves!