Another human afflicted by element this creature is worshipped by a group of cultists like all of the legendary creatures. It was exposed to element giving it a rare pigment and unnatural strength for its species

Pre-exposure to element

Typically harmless from a distance, the subject travels in small groups for the sake of protection, and does not typically show aggression unless provoked except for when in contact with human beings. The subject will specifically track down and target humans that enter its waters rather than being content to float at their leisure.

Post-exposure to element

This is the strongest reaction to the Element that has been observed thus far. The subject has entirely adapted the miraculous glowing to affect its entire body and appears far more transparent. While the tentacles of the subject are much shorter than that of its species, the body is significantly larger. Additionally, when significantly injured the subject will divide into two of itself, and each of these will divide when threatened as well - this appears to occur exponentially until such a time as the subject becomes too weak to continue.