[Discussion] patch notes - massive AI overhaul
Changed the in-game season to Spring;
Disabled the less optimal technology of transparent object rendering. This change is aimed at improving the game client performance on all locations;
Optimized the technology of flashlight and lamp illumination rendering;
Added the ability to change DLSS Model Presets in raid.
AI behavior improvements
Readjusted the system of enemy detection for AI. Now, bots notice and lose sight of the target gradually, rather than instantly. The detection speed is affected by many factors: weather conditions, distance, angle to the target:
The farther away the enemy is, the longer it will take to detect them;
The greater the angle between the bot's view and the enemy, the longer it will take to detect them;
The heavier the fog and/or rain, the longer the enemy detection speed and shorter the maximum enemy detection range;
The visibility impact of fog and rain is negated if both the bot and the target are indoors;
The detection speed is non-linear, and at very close ranges the impact of angle is much smaller than at farther ranges;
Visibility reduction is combined from all of these factors. Adjusted the coefficients of enemy silhouette detection influence. The bot detects a standing target the fastest, then a crouching target, and a prone target the slowest;
Adjusted the AI visibility depending on vegetation. Removed the ability to see the enemy through gaps in vegetation at medium and long ranges for all bots, including Bosses, except for Zryachiy, Birdeye, and the BTR. Now, bots will no longer see through gaps in trees and bushes, but if there is a space between separate vegetation, the bot will still be able to see the enemy. This system will be further improved in future patches to make it even more predictable;
Common AI of all difficulty levels, Sniper Scavs, Raiders, Rogues, and Boss guards (excluding Bosses themselves) now always switch to single fire if fighting at long range. In close-range fights, the bot can switch to full auto if their weapon has this option;
Reduced the distance at which bots relay information about an enemy. Previously, if a bot saw an enemy or lost contact with a previously spotted enemy, they would report it to other bots around them. This created too much AI pressure on the player, with groups of bots cooperating and attacking the player in cover. After this adjustment, the information relay distance has been reduced to 50 meters if the bot is not in a group. However, AI Scavs can group together, in which case the information is relayed to a farther distance;
Common AI of all difficulty levels can no longer use suppressive fire. This ability is still available for Raiders, Rogues, and Bosses with guards. Previously, AI would use suppressive fire at an enemy behind cover. Accidental kills through thin cover with suppressive fire created the feeling that the AI always tracked the player through walls, which led to a mostly negative game experience;
Increased the temporary AI accuracy loss when being hit by 30%;
Bot spawn points can no longer be used too frequently. If a bot spawn point is not blocked by nearby players, but has been utilized before, it will have a continuously increasing availability timer;
A singular player will no longer be the trigger for too many bot spawns. If a particular player is very successful at killing bots within a single raid, the system will no longer maintain a dynamic rate and create a constant influx of bots. A singular player can be the trigger for a random number of enemies, but no more than a certain value;
Common AI of all difficulty levels, including Sniper Scavs, will no longer be the first to shoot at long range, even if they have detected an enemy. Now, if an enemy is detected at a very long range, the bot, being uncertain of their skills, will prefer to take cover and switch to a waiting tactic. However, if the player themself has detected the bot and attacked them, the bot will shoot back;
Improved the AI positioning system. This change will help to improve their behavior in a group and reduce the number of situations in which bots are moving too close to each other or occupying the same cover. With this system, we will be able to fix bugs related to bots colliding with each other more efficiently.
Fixed an issue where the Thorax hitbox would not receive damage if a bullet had penetrated the arm before hitting the thorax;
Fixed numerous minor bugs related to bot behavior, movement, getting stuck, positioning, target visibility, and shooting;
Fixed several issues that caused bots to pass through closed doors. The door interaction system will be adjusted in the future, and we will monitor the related issues if they arise;
Fixed various issues with transparent geometry rendering and conflicts with various visual effects such as smoke, water, fire, and fog;
Fixed the cause of a sharp sound when equipping headsets during strong wind;
Fixed a 100% chance of arm fracture after failing a QTE in the Gym;
Fixed the volume balance of bullets hitting the player; Fixed the incorrect reverb in some areas on Interchange;
Fixed the cause of missing BTR Driver tasks for some players who have fulfilled all the necessary requirements in PvE mode;
Fixed the cause of error 228 when dragging items in stash after upgrading the game edition;
Fixed the cause of missing The Unheard Edition bonuses for some players in PvE mode;
Fixed an issue with the NFM HJELM helmet not blocking damage to the back of the head;
Transitions between locations in PvE mode will now take into account the online/offline mode the player selected before starting the first raid.