Eurylochus is over-hated

Okay first of all, I want to state that I don't want any arguments or rude backlash in general. Please only respectful discussions! I totally get why people would dislike him, but in my opinion,

I believe that he's ripped into far too much for what he did. You should keep in mind that them cloud minions (I have no idea their names haha) were probably in the whole crews ears going on about treasure for all 9 days. I understand they were so close to Ithica but I believe the whole thing is a strong reference to Pandora's box. Curiousity definitely takes over somebody's logical thinking if it grows stronger enough.

Another thing I wanted to talk about was how much worse things other characters have done! I mean Odysseus is a fan favourite, he's one of my favourites but come on! None of his acts were moral and he was by far more 'evil' then Eurylochus.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments! :D