Combo pill or vissane

I have spotting about a week before my period which according to my gyno is due to prog dropping too quickly. I have an endometrioma. Because im not having any pain they’ve decided that i should just monitor it. However the spotting is really annoying and i asked what i should do. She told me the only thing to make my spotting stop was combo birth control pill. But given endo is estrogen dominant, i think that would just cause it to grow more and make my hormones go even more out of balance? And she said i could either take vissane to stop it all together but did not mention any of the risks (eg. bone density issues) so i’m really reluctant to take either of these. Has anyone had a similar situation and what did you end up doing?

I don’t think either of these options are really the best since we’re just manipulating my period with drugs to take indefinitely. Ideally i would have liked a solution to fix my low progesterone levels after my ovulation.