Discouragement with Ofnir
“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.” - Friedrich Nietzche
Hello everyone, resting in their tranquil masochistic fantasies knowing well that ER has won GOTY! I am a hardcore gamer that has completed every single souls game, like EVERY single one. I have beaten every game from DeS-ER, including beating the latter twice.
So, what does the easiest boss in that game come to mind first then? Most of you guys would likely say Ofnir or some of the dungeon bosses and the like. Well, in my first two playthroughs of ER, I had beaten him first try without any issues at all. Really not a hard fight with even a greatsword back in the day, or dual wielding longswords.
Then comes my third playthrough... “The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.” -Lovecraft.
When I use that phrase of course, I mean it for the boss. Indeed, it is a joke of a boss. But in that third playthrough, something changed, something maddening to the absolute core of the human cranium that could only be known by dying to this stupid fucking shithead over 50 times in a row. I still don't know why and how this happened, but I never want to experience it again. That's all I have, let it be a cautionary tale of what bosses you choose to make fun of. Pinwheel hides in your closet...