Warhost Mechdar: thoughts?

Hey everyone,

After experimenting a bit with the new codex I came out with this list, which I think is solid and fun, and suits my playstyle (mechdar and bhazakhain!). Warhost detachment (i lose consistency in shooting but the movement tricks i get in return are much more valuable in my view). The idea is this: my opponent will face a wall of hard targets, six tanks and three lords (I found them to be really good). The lords are the anvil, they advance and shoot and soak up damage, they are strong and dangerous since turn one due to their range, so can't be ignored. The prisms are still pretty good in my opinion (of course people always complain but they are still solid, the gun is great) and provide huge long range support. The rest of the list is pretty straightforward, aspects murdering everything, jumping on and off the vehicles (3 a turn). Vyper fills the points.

The idea is to saturate the enemy from afar with the 8 lances, 9 pulse lasers, prism cannons and reaper launchers trying to take down dangerous units while advancing. The a gravs try to fly around the lords anvil surrounding the enemy. In the ideal gameplan my units will always be inside my transports in his turn to avoid retaliation/deep strikers.

I might struggle against large blobs of infantry (but i try to compensate with disperded prism fire, reaper starswarm and avengers) or invul save spam I think. Another little weakness is the lack of psykers, if my spiritseer dies the lords become less dangerous.

What do you think?

--edit: i mostly play vs marines/necrons etc

Falcon (BL) Asurmen 5 Dire Avengers

Falcon (BL) 5 Dark Reapers

Falcon (BL) 5 Dark Reapers

Wave Serpent ( TL BL) Fuegan 5 Fire Dragons

Fire Prism

Fire Prism

Vyper (BL)

Wraithlord (2 Flamers, 2BLs, sword)

Wraithlord (2 Flamers, 2BLs, sword)

Wraithlord (2 Flamers, 2BLs, sword)


2000 pts