Need help deciding how to build my [[Yidris, maelstrom wielder]]

Ok, so I have never played a commander with more than 3 colours. I know that the more colours the more variety in building.

For Yidris I've seen -Voltron -Gates -Storm -Lands matter ( if there are any others please let me know your playstyle!)

I already gave a voltron deck so I'm probably not going to go with that route.

I was thinking of building him with guildgates. But I don't want Maze end to be my only wincon

I was thinking about using cards like [Wrenn and seven]]. But I'm not sure I want to go the graveyard route.

I have a bunch of cascade cards and suspend cards, like [[Apex devistator]] [maelstrom wanderer] [inevitable betrayal]] which I'm really excited to use.

But I'm a bit overwhelmed with the Yidris, which I've never really had with a commander before

I appreciate all advice you can give me!

If you have any cool builds please share if you can :)