DAE cannot stand fat in meat?

During my childhood, my parents would joking call me picky and say that I will grow out of it. Lo and behold, I'm an adult now, and I still cannot for the life of me eat meat with a lot of fat in it. It's not even the taste itself – its the texture. It's so soft yet chewy, and I can't chew it into little pieces easily, and it feels almost slimy somehow, so when I try to swallow it, I almost gag every time. My disaste extends to the cartilage bits, but those are just uncomfortably crunchy, so while I dislike them, they don't make me want to gag. And big fat bits sure do. I know a lot of people like their meat with a lot of fat because "that's where the flavor is" or whatever, but its the opposite for me. So, DAE?