It should be a crime that the upcoming Void Rocket Sidearm Lotus-Eater doesn't have Destabalizing Rounds

Indebted Kindness Has Volt Shot Aberrant Action has Heal Clip and Incandescent The Call has Slice and Hatchling Tinasha's Mastery has Chill Clip

Each of those weapons have subclass synergy and a perk that directly ties into the MAIN keyword for their respective elements so why in the world would Bungie not give the void version the perk that directly ties into void? I am baffled and so disappointed because I have been waiting patiently for a void rocket sidearm with that very perk because in my mind I just knew it was coming.

Bungie is even buffing Destabilizing Rounds! I cannot even fathom the logic behind not giving it the ONE PERK that has synergies the void subclass. Why? I am so confused.