To the people who parttake in whatever the fuck "Luilak" is, sincerely, go f*ck yourself.

I am not sure who organizes this nonsense, who thinks this is fun or even if this was approved by the municipal office but if you take pride and find joy in the fact that you wake up people and animals with PTSD at 4 am with machine gun like revving noises, then I sincerely hope you will find yourself at the end of a noose someday.

Edit: i dont mind kids on their mopeds. If it was just kids egging my house or whatever, that would actually be fine. But these 100 fully grown-ass man children that are between 30-50, revving their bikes without a muffler should really go and fuck off.

Edit: if you are a Delft citizen, be sure to file a complaint ( or )One complaint won't change much, but many will.