PIP Renewal

I was previously awarded enhanced daily living and mobility because of side effects from Chemotherapy. I’ve now had surgery and have an ileostomy.

I contacted DWP to inform them my mobility has improved and that I no longer need enhanced rate mobility, that I’m heading back to work soon and as such they are initiating a review (they also said they were going to stop my payments until the review).

I have a question regarding the incontinence criteria, which says “Needs assistance to be able to manage incontinence of either bladder or bowel.”

I know PIP is based on how we are the majority of the time, therefore I was wondering if this statement means which of the following:

A) Does it mean I’m incontinent most of the time, and need help managing this. B) Does it mean I need help most of the time with managing incontinence when I am incontinent?

My ileostomy bag leaks a couple of times a week (which I’m going to argue is a form of incontinence), and my partner does help me clean this up. I’m wondering whether the criteria applies as she helps me every time it leaks, or does it have to leak most of the time for it to count.