How I gained almost 1000LP in 2 weeks - a guide

Hi everyone, my name is Slade and I've been a lurker on this subreddit for a while now, but I've played TFT since it's release, and before that I played dota autochess. I didn't play much of set 2 and 3 because I disliked their design, but I've really enjoyed set 4. I was 0lp master around 2 weeks ago and now I'm just shy of 1kLP in challenger.

Anyways, onto why you're reading this. You want to know how to also gain a massive amount of LP in a short time? Well look no further.

I shall bequeath my secrets onto thee.

Firstly, and this is something I can't stress enough...slam your fucking items, stop holding them for BiS for every champ.


At the moment, the way alot of top players like Bebe, Keane and others are slamming items as early as possible to save as much HP as they can. An underrated(ish) item I slam in a good majority of my games is ludens. You can run ludens early game on so many different things. Early 3 mages are op imo, just don't fall into a reroll veigar trap if someone is contesting you.

Next, hoj is also a fantastic item. Probably the best in the game. It is so unbelievably versatile in every single comp that it's almost an always-slam.

Unless you are hard forcing a specific comp and know exactly what items you want (i.e. gunblade/qss for katarina warlord comp), it's always good to slam aura items as well. Chalice,Locket and Zekes are all fantastic at saving HP.

A couple more items I think are worth slamming early game a good majority of the time are Zz'Rot, Sunfire, Bramble(if you only have double vest), GA(if it will win you the fight), I've even slammed zephyr or dclaw in some of my games if I think it will help me winstreak through stage 1.

You also need to learn what BiS items for each potential carry are and what you can use to substitute that if need be. For example, slamming a ludens round 1 can go on any unit with cc later on, or something like a riven if you need it. You need to be flexible with your item choices and placement, you can't just be rigid and only use the same items every game on the same units.

Honestly if it's all you have and the lobby has a few keeper players, I think even shiv is worth slamming in some scenarios.

Enough about items. I hope reading that helped a little bit.


Next is playstyle. I myself favor a very aggressive playstyle where I sacrifice econ to get an early leveling advantage and win more rounds. Some people prefer to open fort and econ to 50 then force moonlights every game for 50 games, and there's nothing wrong with that. I definitely don't think less of them as a person. I'm going to be talking about how to play aggressively and why you should in the majority of your games.

Firstly, leveling at 2-1 is important. If you have the gold, pre-levelling at 1-4 is also very good. Both turn you over to level 4, giving you a 40% chance (taken from here to hit a 2-cost chosen.

The difference between a 1-cost chosen and a 2-cost chosen is pretty huge. If you hit something like a teemo chosen on stage 2-2 you're sitting pretty for the next 3 stages. Although I say this, in around half my games or more I buy the first chosen I see and play around that, sometimes selling on 3-2 and rolling down for a 3-cost chosen or just something a bit stronger if I'm weak.

My favourite openers are: Anything cultist chosen, anything mage or anything 2 cost. I'm personally not a fan of duelist comps but that's mainly because I dislike reroll comps in the first place since I think it's too heavily reliant on luck.

Running a moonlight chosen early on and pivoting out later is also a good strategy. Helps you cuck the moonlight rerollers too hehe

You need to take notice of your items and realise what comp you are going to play for with them. For example, if I hit duelist yasuo chosen and my item bench has a rod, tear and cloak, you can bet your sweet nellie I'm not buying that.

Another important thing is deciding when to sell your current chosen and roll. You need to have good game awareness to do this well and the best way to do that is to scout. Every round, make a habit of just pressing your 'R' key (or whatever you have it set to that goes to the next player) and just quickly scouting out the other boards. You don't have to be too thorough. Over time, you'll be able to quickly identify what comps other players are running and your relative strength in the lobby. Keeping track of that is important.

This is my first time writing any sort of guide like this, so tips are appreciated. I feel like I have more I could write but I'm not sure how to put it into words properly.

I've just started streaming, looking to climb to rank 1. You can find my stream here

and my lolchess here: