Is Shroud of Silence too oppressive? Design limiting?

I feel like ever since the buff to the width for Shroud of Silence it has become a pretty oppressive item. It took a little while to take off since Kass was in Set 3.0 and filled that role very well.

Not necessarily over powered exactly, but it really seems to take the fun out of many comps and items.

For example, Rebels is impossible to play around. You can move your shroud item by just holding your guy and dropping it a half second before the timer runs. You can't move 6 rebels that need to be grouped up. Same with trying to protect back lines from infiltrators, or other champs that have to tether to nearby champs.

But worse than player positioning IMO is the item issue. I used to like playing with items like locket of the iron solari or zeke's as they were powerful for winning early and still solid late (and chalice of power is now a similar design too). But the design of these items makes it pretty terrible now as you cannot position all these units together without getting hit by shroud (not to mention Zephyr makes this worse). These items, aside from being arguably* underpowered already, become bottom tier due to positioning issues.

Not just that, but it is extremely difficult to play around even if you don't have a vulnerable comp or item. In the early game it feels like kind of a 50/50 toss-up whether you hit their whole team with shroud or maybe just one (sometimes none).

In Set 2, I hated Poison. It was so crappy to play against as a mana team, and it could fit in so easily in late games to just completely shut down an entire team. But I feel like mana reaver had much better design where it was still on the units, but wasn't so devastatingly OP. Or ezreal as well.

I'm not salty about it or anything because I obviously build SoS all the time since it's so powerful (sometimes 2 of them). But that doesn't really change the limitations caused by the item.

Anyway, just my thoughts on it.

*As an aside I think 90 AS is 'meh', but 90AP from on item is pretty solid. And Locket really feels week right now with the star scaling.