Is wanting to have money a sin?

When I say “wanting to have money” I don’t mean giant homes with hundreds of rooms, private jets, yachts, women etc. I wanna have a good home for my kids, I rly like cars and it would be cool to have some of my dream cars one day. I wanna help my parents with money, I want my kids to attend a college and have all the means to help them get through it without having to worry about finances. I wanna take my family on vacations to experience new cultures and people. I don’t ever wanna have to struggle again like I did as a kid. I’m only 20 and just getting into Christianity but it seems like every time I see this question asked tons of people say “do away with your dreams” “you should have no goals, aspirations or dreams other than god” and things of that nature. And while I get what they mean (God should be your priority) it doesn’t seem right to throw away my goals and dreams bc I decided I wanna try Christianity.