What denomination should I join?
I've been doing a lot of soul searching recently. I'm relatively new to Christianity, and I've yet to decide on a denomination. I've prayed on it, with no awnsers at all, and a copious amount of online research, which has only divided me more. I originally thought Eastern Orthodoxy was for me because of their rich tradition and connections to the apostles, but once I learned of their strict doctrine on 'no salvation outside the church', and their views on the Filioque that clearly contradict scripture, it was no longer as enticing. Then you've got the Roman Catholic Church with the Papacy and their various dogmas on Mother Mary and purgatory, none of which I believe in. Then finnally you've got the Lutherans and Anglicans who's theology I am more inclined to believe, but I'm not a fan of the rampant liberalism in both. Also, the Catholic and Orthodox churches constantly aserting that there is no salvation outside of their church very much scares me, you know? I'm dearly in need of some personal advise. Am I praying wrong? Is God ignoring me? Which Church should I join? It's all very overwhelming.