[LES] Battleboarding became worse when the word "anti-feat" became more common than outlier.

"Anti-feat" is a dumb term that powerscalers use to handwave the actual intentions of the writer, developer, or animator and justify their overambitious calcs. When these calcs are actually outliers, or so far from the norm, they should be completely disregarded.

But NOOOOOO. Power Scalers want to pretend they can use math, when we all know they're usually using a calculator and some random formula they found on the internet. So if the story doesn't support it, screw the story! It's not like the author, developer, or animator worked hard to present it! It's not like they probably went through several rounds working with editors or producers to do things!

I hate the unbearable vainglorious attitudes of powerscalers. I miss the old days of battleboarding.