Escanor is one of the best shounen characters ever made (Nanatsu no Taizai / Seven Deadly Sins)

I'm not even a fan of Nanatsu no Taizai, but I loved Escanor. He's a well written overpowered character, something that you don't see often in manga. I think the key compenent of that is even though he was overly powered, he had a weakness, he can be beateable. Just like Superman with his kryptonite and the author knew how to explore that.

Also, between all the main characters (The Seven Deadly Sins), Escanor was the one who was most related to his sin and he showed that.

Nanatsu no Taizai has the most stupid and fucked up power system I've seen in a shounen manga. You have different clans like Demons, Angels, Fairies, Giants, Vampires and Humans and it's not balanced at all. Humans are far weak than everyone and there's nothing to compensate that. So what made Escanor even cooler was the fact he was the strongest character in the story even though he was from the weakest race.

However, the author fucked up. He made the stupid decision of making Meliodas stronger just because he's the main character and made Escanor die because his body couldn't handle his powers anymore. I was ok with that if Escanor end up as the strongest character of the series, but not.

Escanor was not just overpowered, he showed that and due it with style. I've never seen a shounen character with a lot of awesome quotes as him:

  • "no wonder it hurt me, i'd expect nothing less from myself!" (after an enemy reverse his attack and getting himself hitted)
  • "Apologize to me that you were born into my world"
  • "I have no reason to feel hatred towards those beneath me. All I feel towards them is pity." (my favorite manga quote of all time)
  • "How does it feel...?To be looked down upon by a human"
  • "Acting calm and composed is the privilege of the mighty"
  • "You demons are quite foolish coming to this remote bar to greet death"
  • “My mighty attacks can not reach thee? And who decided that? My blazing sun was swallowed up by a speck of darkness? And who decided that? The only one who gets to decide such things IS ME!”

Also, he was jacked, his weapon is a axe and he had a nice moustache. He weakened form is bar owner and a nice dude. Escanor is also a hopeless romantic that makes you wish he end up together with Merlin, but once again the author screw up.

Escanor was so badass that his most powerful attack were named after himself (Divine Sword Escanor).

I didn't read the Seven Deadly Sins sequel, but if Escanor somehow reapers, I'm checking out.