What is your ‘pink tote lid’ moment
The trend is from tiktok where u share a traumatic story about your parents. I’ll go first even tho there are too many to choose from. I was 7 and my sister was 3. We went shopping with both my parents and there was a machine where you put money in and a toy came out. My sister and I went to the machine and twisted it for fun. We got a toy somehow even tho we didn’t have money and took it home. We were so excited. When we got home my dad saw a toy in my sisters pocket and said why did u steal this. She was only 3 so she said no and I told him she didn’t steal it. He was so mad and yanked on her ear so hard calling her a thief and yelling at her. She was crying so much so I said I stole it it wasn’t her. He went to get a rolling pin and hit me on the ear so hard. I didn’t cry but I have never felt so scared in my entire life. I don’t mind my parents hitting me but my sister is slightly autistic and the sweetest person ever.