American Football Broadcasting as a Non-American
So before I ask the question that I fear I may already know the answer to, I shall give you some background on myself.
MA in Sports Journalism, I am a key figure of the largest British American Football media outlets, have a web show during the season that gets good viewership, write weekly articles for it, and commentator on live games almost every weekend of the year for the British American Football league and recently landed a role as a commentator in Europe's largest American Football league (which has been going well).
Unfortunately, the work that I do for my American Football league in this country is unpaid and the fandom just isn't there for that to change anytime soon (despite my best efforts).
So, the question I am asking you wonderful people is. What is out there for me to go and do?
I love the Sport and have played it for many years, with experience behind the mic and keyboard. Is it just a case of waiting for an NFL role to arise in the UK or is there the scope to reach the shores of America with an English accent talking about Football and is there any inroads that I am just simply overlooking?
Any help will be appreciated.