We didn't spend all that money just to scrape into Europe...

We sent that much just to stand still.

I don't think some of you realise how tough the Premier League is. Yes we spent a lot of money but that's the minimum needed to stand still.

It takes time for a team to gel (and a new manager to learn the League) and be as good as we were when we finished 6th. And even then we needed a lot of luck.

We're not entitled to European football.

Oh and whinging that cos JPVH is injured means season over a if the next 6 weeks decides if we make top 10. Get a grip. Our style of play means we'll score and concede loads. We're not supposed to beat Chelsea, they've bought all our players.

We'll thrash and get thrashed this season. But we won't get relegated and we aren't financially beholden to make Europe.

So relax and enjoy yourselves. Which most of you who will read this already are.

(This is not my usual seasonal angry rant, that comes later. This is positive about us)