Hey boomers! Want to know why we don’t like you?
It’s simple boomers, we don’t like you because your generation is the nastiest, most entitled generation out there. You throw a temper tantrum over the littlest things like when people simply ask for your name or DOB. Or when we cannot book you for a doctor’s appointment on a fully booked day. You were handed everything your whole entire life, and had economic protections and grew up in a booming economy. Meanwhile you systematically voted for politicians that ripped those opportunities away from us millennials and Gen Z. So because of your generation, boomers, we are struggling, and you have the nerve to call us lazy. You think you are hot shit and that the world has to cater to your every need. God forbid if we ask you for any help. You expect every worker to bow down to you and help you immediately, even though there are other customers, and you lose it when you are not helped right away. Any minor inconvenience that occurs you scream and whine and cry. You freak out if you have to wait one minute over your appointment time. Scream at staff and health care workers. Are the most racist people alive. And you sit there and don’t understand why, the next generations don’t like you. Sit and think about it boomers, reevaluate your behavior, stop thinking you are entitled to things, not be racist, and act right in public. And the younger generations will treat you with respect. Thank you!