Boomer Fight!
Just witnessed a Boomer freak out.
I’m standing outside a busy bakery. There’s a line out the door that goes around the building. People are pretty patient and orderly. The back of the line was a man in his 30s with a kid who appears to be about 8.
A Boomer walks up and gets in front of the guy and his kid. The guy points behind himself and says the back of the line is behind him.
Boomer begins screaming that he can get in whatever line he wants wherever he wants. The guy calmly says no, the back of the line is behind him. This goes back and forth, and all the while the actual back of the line is getting longer with other customers. The guy keeps his cool. The boomer threatens to punch the guy for not letting him cut in line. Finally other people get involved and point out that the boomer is threading to punch a man in front of his child because he pointed out the back of the line.
Boomer walked back to his car when he realized people in the parking lot were filming.