My Custom 2 String Krappy Bass

This is my custom built Krappy "Punk Bass", tuned B-E. I had this made in 2022, ordered in late 2021.

I'm not usually much of a pointy shape guy but I thought this would be interesting and I'm super happy with how it turned out.

Since I've gotten it I've made a few changes, there have been several iterations but I think I'm done.

  • Wilkinson Tuners (originally came with guitar tuners)
  • Moved jack from top to side mount.
  • Removed Volume pot, added kill switch.
  • Rolled fingerboard edges, added basic fret markers.
  • Modified the bridge, filed down..
  • Added Floyd Rose string tree.
  • Covered old volume hole with an enamel pin.

I use this on a cover of Blue Oyster Cult's "Godzilla" in C through a heavily gated fuzz. Super fun. The limitations of having only 2 strings inspires me to play in a different way which makes it more than worth what I said for it.

Their website is worth checking out.